Office Location

3480 McTavish St 4th floor, room 426


What’s Going On During Office Hours

Membership Icon


Gear Rental Icon

Renting Gear

House Stay Icon

House Stay

Information Icon


Getting a Membership

If you are a current McGill student, you can come to our office hours for a membership. The fee for McGill students is $20.

If you are NOT a McGill student, you must fill out this application. We review applications at the end of each month. If approved, the fee for non-McGill students is $25 and can be paid online or during an office hour.

Memberships are valid for 1 year.

How to Rent Gear

  • Become a member
  • Come to office hours
  • Provide a credit card deposit
  • Pay (cash or debit) and check out your gear
  • Return your gear (within 7 days to avoid late fees)

Find out more about gear rentals here.

If you can’t make it to any of the posted office hours, email [email protected] and we’ll see what we can do!

House Stay

Once an Exec has approved your house booking [see house page] by email, you can pay the fee at one of the office hours


Anyone is welcome come and ask questions about trips, gear, memberships… during office hours!